Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bones Turns 5

My oldest baby turned 5 earlier this week.
I cant believe 5 yrs have already passed since he came into our lives.

He was born at 1228pm on a Tuesday. He was born with black hair that had these cool red highlights to it but within a couple of weeks it was gone and the blonde came in. I was bummed but such is life LOL.

He was an easy going child and I wish some of that would return. At about 17 mths the hell began and its still steamrolling across our family.

Now please dont mistake this for not loving him, it just makes him a difficult child to deal with. He's so smart you cant reason with him as he already knows but does it anyway. Nothing phases him as far as punishment goes(and we've tried it all). He just enjoys being mean to his brothers and mother and enjoys doing those things that will hit the button.

Despite his difficulty he's a loving child. He is big on being held and hugged and loves to learn. He will absorb anything you show him and is so inquisitive that he just never stops talking or asking questions. He wants answers even if you have find them LOL. He loves to be read to and will probably be an avid reader once he starts doing so.

He's also very imaginative and comes up with the craziest scenarios that make you giggle by the bucketloads.

Anywho, we had a nice party for him that wasnt too much(we arent big party doers to begin with). He got his purple cake and some cool new coloring books(he loves drawing and coloring) and he got a paint book with watercolors and he absolutely LOVED it. First time he'd done it and he thought it was the coolest thing since being born LOL.

His name is Connor and he gave himself the nickname of Bones. So that is who he is and that is who we celebrated.

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